There are different processes for selecting Policy Debate compared to Lincoln-Douglas and Public Forum Debate topics.
The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) handles selection of the annual Policy Debate topic. Each state organization, the National Speech & Debate Association (NSDA), the National Catholic Forensic League (NCFL), and the National Debate Coaches Association (NDCA) all have voting privileges. The national office submits one vote on behalf of the NSDA following voting by the membership.
Lincoln-Douglas Debate and Public Forum Debate have topic wording committees that accept topic ideas from the membership, discuss topic areas, and craft language for resolutions. Resolutions are then forwarded to the membership for vote by students and coaches during each voting period.
If you have topic ideas, please use our topic submission forms to forward your suggestions to the appropriate committee. Visit our Topic Creation Hub page for more details!