Comments on: How to Keep Your Virtual Assistant Home Office Cool in the Summer Virtual Assistant Networking Association (VANA) Empowering VAs Since 2003. Sun, 19 Sep 2021 18:02:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: tarourk Thu, 13 Aug 2020 03:03:48 +0000 Love #1 😉 but yes, turning off all unnecessary electronics during the day has helped me keep cool during this heatwave. I also have a small desk fan that is USB powered, it goes off when I shut down my laptop so I don’t have to remember to do it.

By: Tawnya Sutherland Thu, 21 Jun 2012 17:30:51 +0000 In reply to Linsey K.

Gotta love the invention of power bars! Good tip and thanks 🙂

By: Tawnya Sutherland Thu, 21 Jun 2012 17:29:40 +0000 In reply to Ian Scott.

Never though of the psychological effects, good point! It’s also amazing how much my electricity bill went down when I started shutting off the power bar my computers were all hooked up to every night too.

By: Linsey K Wed, 20 Jun 2012 22:23:57 +0000 I use a power cord with my PC as the “master”. This way, when my computer goes into hybernation mode, the other outlets on the strip (or “slave” as they are called) stop receiving power. If I leave my desk, I can put my PC to hibernate, and my monitor, printer, speakers, etc. all turn off, too. Saves much and keeps my office cooler. Also, if you aren’t already using LED screens, make the switch!

By: Ian Scott Wed, 20 Jun 2012 10:47:23 +0000 Good tips. I like the first one.. but I don’t think I could actually work naked!

The one about turning of electronics is very good… and there’s another benefit too. I used to leave my laptop on all night, and of course, the first thing I’d do when I’d wake up (after brushing my teeth) was check my email. And that would just lead to working… instead of eating breakfast. Waking up to a turned off laptop somehow has a psychological effect that I don’t really need to check email first thing.
