BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//InvisionCommunity Events 4.7.19//EN METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN REFRESH-INTERVAL:PT15M X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT15M X-WR-CALNAME:All Calendars - Virtual Assistant Networking Association VAN A NAME:All Calendars - Virtual Assistant Networking Association VAN A BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/London TZURL: X-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/London BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST DTSTART:20250330T020000Z RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=3;BYDAY=-1SU END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:GMT DTSTART:20251026T020000Z RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=10;BYDAY=-1SU END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/London TZURL: X-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/London BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST DTSTART:20240331T020000Z RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=3;BYDAY=-1SU END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:GMT DTSTART:20241027T020000Z RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=10;BYDAY=-1SU END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Group Coaching DTSTAMP:20250104T053401Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Ready to Elevate Your Business? Join Our Monthly Group Coach ing!Are you a Service Provider new to the scene\, wondering\, \"What’s n ext?\" Or maybe you’ve got an online business but feel stuck\, unable to break through to the next level? Our monthly Group Coaching sessions are designed just for you!Why Attend?Expert Guidance: Benefit from the wisdom of Tawnya Sutherland\, a seasoned pro with 20 years in the virtual assist ant industry. Her insights can help you refine your strategy\, shift yourm indset\, and transform those clicks into clients.Collaborative Environment : Bring your questions\, challenges\, and ideas to the table. In just one hour\, you’ll gain actionable advice and innovative solutions to propel your business forward.Focused Growth: Whether you’re looking to stream line your approach or overcome specific hurdles\, our sessions are tailore d to clear the clutter and driveresults.How to Join:Current Members:  Lo g into your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Member Yet? D on’t miss out—JOIN US NOW at and start your jour ney towards business success.Transform your entrepreneurial dreams into re ality with our Group Coaching. We can’t wait to see you there! DTSTART:20250312T200000Z DTEND:20250312T210000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Monthly Training DTSTAMP:20250104T053401Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Get Clients Club Core Training Series\n\nWhat you'll learn t oday: \nClient Growth Via Email MarketingThe Power of the ListLead Magnet sThe AIDA Model Applied to EmailSetting Up Your Email Marketing SystemCont ent that ConvertsGrowing Your EmailEmbracing Your Email ListGet ready to b ecome a client magnet because this series is where you’ll learn how to f ind clients\, keep clients\, and have those clients send you steady stream s of referrals for years to come!\n\nIf you want the answer to the famous question of: “How do I find clients?” This ongoing series will give yo u the answers you've been searching for. You'll be provided with successfu l client-attracting strategies that you can implement How to Join:Current Members:  Log into your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a M ember Yet? Don’t miss out—JOIN US NOW at and st art your journey towards business success. DTSTART:20250312T183000Z DTEND:20250312T193000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Group Coaching DTSTAMP:20250104T013401Z SEQUENCE:2 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Ready to Elevate Your Business? Join Our Monthly Group Coach ing!Are you a Service Provider new to the scene\, wondering\, \"What’s n ext?\" Or maybe you’ve got an online business but feel stuck\, unable to break through to the next level? Our monthly Group Coaching sessions are designed just for you!Why Attend?Expert Guidance: Benefit from the wisdom of Tawnya Sutherland\, a seasoned pro with 20 years in the virtual assist ant industry. Her insights can help you refine your strategy\, shift yourm indset\, and transform those clicks into clients.Collaborative Environment : Bring your questions\, challenges\, and ideas to the table. In just one hour\, you’ll gain actionable advice and innovative solutions to propel your business forward.Focused Growth: Whether you’re looking to stream line your approach or overcome specific hurdles\, our sessions are tailore d to clear the clutter and driveresults.How to Join:Current Members:  Lo g into your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Member Yet? D on’t miss out—JOIN US NOW at and start your jour ney towards business success.Transform your entrepreneurial dreams into re ality with our Group Coaching. We can’t wait to see you there! DTSTART:20250326T220000Z DTEND:20250326T230000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Group Coaching DTSTAMP:20241217T202801Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Ready to Elevate Your Business? Join Our Monthly Group Coach ing!Are you a Service Provider new to the scene\, wondering\, \"What’s n ext?\" Or maybe you’ve got an online business but feel stuck\, unable to break through to the next level? Our monthly Group Coaching sessions are designed just for you!Why Attend?Expert Guidance: Benefit from the wisdom of Tawnya Sutherland\, a seasoned pro with 20 years in the virtual assist ant industry. Her insights can help you refine your strategy\, shift yourm indset\, and transform those clicks into clients.Collaborative Environment : Bring your questions\, challenges\, and ideas to the table. In just one hour\, you’ll gain actionable advice and innovative solutions to propel your business forward.Focused Growth: Whether you’re looking to stream line your approach or overcome specific hurdles\, our sessions are tailore d to clear the clutter and driveresults.How to Join:Current Members:  Lo g into your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Member Yet? D on’t miss out—JOIN US NOW at and start your jour ney towards business success.Transform your entrepreneurial dreams into re ality with our Group Coaching. We can’t wait to see you there! DTSTART:20250129T230000Z DTEND:20250130T000000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Monthly Training DTSTAMP:20241217T202801Z SEQUENCE:7 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Get Clients Club Core Training Series\n\nWhat you'lllearn to day: \nClient Growth Via Email MarketingThe Power of the ListLead Magnets The AIDA Model Applied to EmailSetting Up Your Email Marketing SystemConte nt that ConvertsGrowing Your EmailEmbracing Your Email ListGet ready to be come a client magnet because this series is where you’ll learn how to fi nd clients\, keep clients\, and have those clients send you steady streams of referrals for years to come!\n\nIf you want the answer to the famous q uestion of: “How do I find clients?” This ongoing series will give you the answers you've been searching for. You'll be provided with successful client-attracting strategies that youcan implement How to Join:Current M embers:  Log into your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Mem ber Yet? Don’t miss out—JOIN US NOW at and star t your journey towards business success. DTSTART:20250212T193000Z DTEND:20250212T203000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Group Coaching DTSTAMP:20241217T202801Z SEQUENCE:2 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Ready to Elevate Your Business? Join Our Monthly Group Coach ing!Are you a Service Provider new to the scene\, wondering\, \"What’s n ext?\" Or maybe you’ve got an online business but feel stuck\, unable to break through to the next level? Our monthly Group Coaching sessions are designed just for you!Why Attend?Expert Guidance: Benefit from the wisdom of Tawnya Sutherland\, a seasoned pro with 20 years in the virtual assist ant industry. Her insights can help you refine your strategy\, shift yourm indset\, and transform those clicks into clients.Collaborative Environment : Bring your questions\, challenges\, and ideas to the table. In just one hour\, you’ll gain actionable advice and innovative solutions to propel your business forward.Focused Growth: Whether you’re looking to stream line your approach or overcome specific hurdles\, our sessions are tailore d to clear the clutter and driveresults.How to Join:Current Members:  Lo g into your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Member Yet? D on’t miss out—JOIN US NOW at and start your jour ney towards business success.Transform your entrepreneurial dreams into re ality with our Group Coaching. We can’t wait to see you there! DTSTART:20250212T210000Z DTEND:20250212T220000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Group Coaching DTSTAMP:20241217T202801Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Ready to Elevate Your Business? Join Our Monthly Group Coach ing!Are you a Service Provider new to the scene\, wondering\, \"What’s n ext?\" Or maybe you’ve got an online business but feel stuck\, unable to break through to the next level? Our monthly Group Coaching sessions are designed just for you!Why Attend?Expert Guidance: Benefit from the wisdom of Tawnya Sutherland\, a seasoned pro with 20 years in the virtual assist ant industry. Her insights can help you refine your strategy\, shift yourm indset\, and transform those clicks into clients.Collaborative Environment : Bring your questions\, challenges\, and ideas to the table. In just one hour\, you’ll gain actionable advice and innovative solutions to propel your business forward.Focused Growth: Whether you’re looking to stream line your approach or overcome specific hurdles\, our sessions are tailore d to clear the clutter and driveresults.How to Join:Current Members:  Lo g into your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Member Yet? D on’t miss out—JOIN US NOW at and start your jour ney towards business success.Transform your entrepreneurial dreams into re ality with our Group Coaching. We can’t wait to see you there! DTSTART:20250226T230000Z DTEND:20250227T000000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Monthly Training DTSTAMP:20241217T202801Z SEQUENCE:1 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Get Clients Club Core Training Series\n\nWhat you'lllearn to day: \nClient Goal Setting and NumbersDreams Achieve GoalsSmart GoalsGoal Setting TipsDetermine Your Smart GoalsTracking Your NumbersGet ready to be come a client magnet because this series is where you’ll learn how to fi nd clients\, keep clients\, and have those clientssend you steady streams of referrals for years to come!\n\nIf you wantthe answer to the famous que stion of: “How do I find clients?” This ongoing series will give you t he answers you've been searching for. You'll be provided with successful c lient-attracting strategies that you can implement How to Join:Current Me mbers:  Log into your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Memb er Yet? Don’t missout—JOIN US NOW at and start your journey towards business success. DTSTART:20250115T210000Z DTEND:20250115T220000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Group Coaching DTSTAMP:20241217T202801Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Ready to Elevate Your Business? Join Our Monthly Group Coach ing!Are you a Service Provider new to the scene\, wondering\, \"What’s n ext?\" Or maybe you’ve got an online business but feel stuck\, unable to break through to the next level? Our monthly Group Coaching sessions are designed just for you!Why Attend?Expert Guidance: Benefit from the wisdom of Tawnya Sutherland\, a seasoned pro with 20 years in the virtual assist ant industry. Her insights can help you refine your strategy\, shift yourm indset\, and transform those clicks into clients.Collaborative Environment : Bring your questions\, challenges\, and ideas to the table. In just one hour\, you’ll gain actionable advice and innovative solutions to propel your business forward.Focused Growth: Whether you’re looking to stream line your approach or overcome specific hurdles\, our sessions are tailore d to clear the clutter and driveresults.How to Join:Current Members:  Lo g into your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Member Yet? D on’t miss out—JOIN US NOW at and start your jour ney towards business success.Transform your entrepreneurial dreams into re ality with our Group Coaching. We can’t wait to see you there! DTSTART:20250108T200000Z DTEND:20250108T210000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FREE VANA Community Webinar DTSTAMP:20241217T002801Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Dive into success with our FREE monthly training webinars at\, tailored specifically for Virtual Assistants eager to growtheir skills and business.\n\nTOPIC: TBA\n\nSPEAKER: TBA\n\nWhat You 'll Learn: TBA\n\nJOIN US LIVE HERE: 2530 (Passcode: 123456)\n\nCan’t Make It LIVE? 🎥  \n\nWe get it\; life is as unpredictable asthe latest TikTok trend. If you can't join us l ive\, we've still got your back. By joining our VANA Community\, you’l l get access to the replay\, slide deck notes\, plus a treasure trove of V A resources that’ll make you wonder how you ever freelanced without us. All for under $9/month! It’s just another perk of being part of our awes ome community.\n\n🔗 Join our VANA Community today! DTSTART:20250130T210000Z DTEND:20250130T220000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:VANA's Very Merry Mingle DTSTAMP:20241029T002802Z SEQUENCE:5 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Get ready to celebrate the holiday season with VANA’s Ver y Merry Mingle—a festive Zoom party where fun and connection take center stage! This is your chance to kick back\, relax\, and enjoy some holiday cheer with fellow freelancers and business owners who just get it.☃ ️What’s Happening at the Mingle?🥂🎄Holiday-Themed Fun: Laugh\, p lay games\, and enjoy the festive spirit.🎁 Prizes Galore: Win excitin g surprises just for joining the fun!🎅 Dress to Impress: Whether yo u’re rocking glitzy glam or your coziest ugly sweater\, we can’t wait to see your holiday style.🥂 Casual Mingling: Connect\, chat\, and sha re holiday cheer with a like-minded crowd.Let’s make this a holiday cele bration to remember. See you at …🎄☃️ 🎅 VANA’s  Very Merry Mingle ❄️🥂🎁JOIN US LIVE HERE:  https://us02web.zoo (Passcode: 123456)\n\nCan’t Make It LIVE? 🎥  \n \nWeget it\; life is as unpredictable as the latest TikTok trend. If you c an'tjoin us live\, we've still got your back. By joining our VANA Communi ty\, you’ll get access to the replay\, slide deck notes\, plus a treasu retrove of VA resources that’ll make you wonder how you ever freelanced without us. All for under $9/month! It’s just another perk of being part of ourawesome community.\n\n🔗 Join our VANA Community today! DTSTART:20241219T230000Z DTEND:20241220T000000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FREE VANA Community Webinar DTSTAMP:20241029T002802Z SEQUENCE:1 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Dive into success with our FREE monthly training webinars at\, tailored specifically for Virtual Assistants eager to growtheir skills and business.\n\nTOPIC: TBA\n\nSPEAKER: TBA\n\nWhat You 'll Learn: TBA\n\nJOIN US LIVE HERE: 2530 (Passcode: 123456)\n\nCan’t Make It LIVE? 🎥  \n\nWe get it\; life is as unpredictable asthe latest TikTok trend. If you can't join us l ive\, we've still got your back. By joining our VANA Community\, you’l l get access to the replay\, slide deck notes\, plus a treasure trove of V A resources that’ll make you wonder how you ever freelanced without us. All for under $9/month! It’s just another perk of being part of our awes ome community.\n\n🔗 Join our VANA Community today! DTSTART:20250102T210000Z DTEND:20250102T220000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FREE VANA Community Webinar DTSTAMP:20241029T002802Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Dive into success with our FREE monthly training webinars at\, tailored specifically for Virtual Assistants eager to growtheir skills and business.\n\nTOPIC: TBA\n\nSPEAKER: TBA\n\nWhat You 'll Learn: TBA\n\nJOIN US LIVE HERE: 2530 (Passcode: 123456)\n\nCan’t Make It LIVE? 🎥 \n\nWe get it\; li fe is as unpredictable as the latest TikTok trend. If you can't join us li ve\, we've still got your back. By joining our VANA Community\, you’ll get access to the replay\, slide deck notes\, plus a treasure trove of VA resources that’ll make you wonder how you ever freelanced without us. A ll for under $9/month! It’s just another perk of being part of our aweso me community.\n\n🔗 Join our VANA Community today! DTSTART:20250327T200000Z DTEND:20250327T210000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FREE VANA Community Webinar DTSTAMP:20241029T002802Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Dive into success with our FREE monthly training webinars at\, tailored specifically for Virtual Assistants eager to growtheir skills and business.\n\nTOPIC: TBA\n\nSPEAKER: TBA\n\nWhat You 'll Learn: TBA\n\nJOIN US LIVE HERE: 2530 (Passcode: 123456)\n\nCan’t Make It LIVE? 🎥  \n\nWe get it\; life is as unpredictable asthe latest TikTok trend. If you can't join us l ive\, we've still got your back. By joining our VANA Community\, you’l l get access to the replay\, slide deck notes\, plus a treasure trove of V A resources that’ll make you wonder how you ever freelanced without us. All for under $9/month! It’s just another perk of being part of our awes ome community.\n\n🔗 Join our VANA Community today! DTSTART:20250424T200000Z DTEND:20250424T210000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FREE VANA Community Webinar DTSTAMP:20241029T002802Z SEQUENCE:1 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Dive into success with our FREE monthly training webinars at\, tailored specifically for Virtual Assistants eager to growtheir skills and business.\n\nTOPIC: TBA\n\nSPEAKER: TBA\n\nWhat You 'll Learn: TBA\n\nJOIN US LIVE HERE: 2530 (Passcode: 123456)\n\nCan’t Make It LIVE? 🎥  \n\nWe get it\; life is as unpredictable asthe latest TikTok trend. If you can't join us l ive\, we've still got your back. By joining our VANA Community\, you’l l get access to the replay\, slide deck notes\, plus a treasure trove of V A resources that’ll make you wonder how you ever freelanced without us. All for under $9/month! It’s just another perk of being part of our awes ome community.\n\n🔗 Join our VANA Community today! DTSTART:20250522T200000Z DTEND:20250522T210000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FREE VANA Community Webinar DTSTAMP:20241029T002802Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Dive into success with our FREE monthly training webinars at\, tailored specifically for Virtual Assistants eager to growtheir skills and business.\n\nTOPIC: TBA\n\nSPEAKER: TBA\n\nWhat You 'll Learn: TBA\n\nJOIN US LIVE HERE: 2530 (Passcode: 123456)\n\nCan’t Make It LIVE? 🎥  \n\nWe get it\; life is as unpredictable asthe latest TikTok trend. If you can't join us l ive\, we've still got your back. By joining our VANA Community\, you’l l get access to the replay\, slide deck notes\, plus a treasure trove of V A resources that’ll make you wonder how you ever freelanced without us. All for under $9/month! It’s just another perk of being part of our awes ome community.\n\n🔗 Join our VANA Community today! DTSTART:20250619T200000Z DTEND:20250619T210000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Oz DTSTAMP:20241028T002802Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Oz DTSTART:20240911T193000Z DTEND:20240911T203000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Tracy Roberts & Susanne Myers (On-Demand: Watch Anyti me During 3-Day Window) DTSTAMP:20240906T162803Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: From VA to CEO - Strategies for Success and Sustaina bility\n\nSPEAKER: Tracy Roberts &\; Susanne Myers\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEAR N:In today’s competitive market\, Virtual Assistants must adopt a busine ss owner mindset to truly thrive. In this session\, presented by Tracey an d Susanne\, who have transitioned from VAs to successful business owners\, you’ll discover essential strategies for making this shift.\n\nClient M anagement: Learn how to manage andprioritize your clients effectively whil e focusing on your business growth.Financial Planning: Understand the impo rtance of financialplanning and how to implement it for long-term sustaina bility.Business Growth: Gain insights into transitioning from a VA to a CE O\, with actionable steps to ensure your business’s success.Sustainabili ty: Explore ways to create a sustainable and thriving future in the VA ind ustry by focusing on your own growth.It’s time to focus on your success and build a business that’s as strong and sustainable as thework you do for your clients.SPEAKER BIO: Susanne Myers along with Tracy Roberts\, ha ve been working online since 2003 creating a successful multi-six figure b usiness working only 10 hours most weeks.\n\nLog in tothe event here \n\n Not registered? Get your ticket here: DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240926 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240929 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Sarah Noked (On-Demand: Watch Anytime During 3-Day Wi ndow) DTSTAMP:20240906T162803Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: Become Irreplaceable: Client Retention Through Excep tional Managerial Services\n\nSPEAKER: Sarah Noked\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEARN:  \nElevate your client retention strategy by mastering the art of exception al managerial services. Join Sarah Noked as she reveals how to become an i nvaluable asset to your clients and ensure they remain loyal.\n\nIn this s ession\, you’ll learn how to:\n\nEnhance Your Value: Discover techniques to exceed client expectations and become indispensable.Proactive Manageme nt: Learn how to anticipate and address client needs before they arise.Bui ld Strong Relationships: Implement strategies for nurturing long-term\,tru sting client relationships.Deliver Exceptional Service:Create a consistent \, high-quality service experience that ensures client loyalty.Sarah will provide actionable insights and proven strategies to help you transform yo ur managerial services and retain clients effectively. Don’t miss out on this chance to become the go-to professional yourclients can’t live wit hout!\nSPEAKER BIO: Sarah Noked is the Founder and CEO of OBM School\, an online training academy that equips service professionals with the tools and systems to build thriving and profitable online businesses.\n\nLog in to the event here \n\nNot registered? Get your ticket here: https://VAvir DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240926 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240929 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Wrapping VAVS Up! (LIVE) DTSTAMP:20240827T042802Z SEQUENCE:2 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: Wrapping VAVS Up!\n\nSPEAKER: Tawnya Sutherland\n\n WHAT YOU'LL LEARN: \nJoin us for a post-conference webinar to consolidate and build on everything you've learned at the summit. We'll guide you thr ough actionable steps to implement the strategiesfor finding and retaining clients that you discovered throughout the event. This session will help you navigate the next steps\, set actionable goals\, and leverage your new insights to take your client acquisition and retention efforts to the nex t level. Don't miss this opportunity to ensure you’re fully equipped to turn your summit learnings into tangible business success!  \nSPEAKER BI O: Tawnya Sutherland is a pioneering force inthe virtual assistance indus try\, having founded Virtual Assistant Networking Association (VANA) at VA to support and empower VAs since2003. As a visionary entrep reneur and expert in leveraging digital tools\,Tawnya is dedicated to help ing virtual assistants enhance their skills andgrow their businesses. With a passion for optimizing operations through technology\, she brings deep industry knowledge and practical insights to herrole\, guiding VAs through evolving trends and strategies for success.\n\nLog in to the event here  \n\nNot registered? Get your ticket here: DTSTART:20240928T230000Z DTEND:20240929T000000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FREE VANA Community Webinar DTSTAMP:20240811T233113Z SEQUENCE:3 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Dive into success with our FREE monthly training webinars at\, tailored specifically for Virtual Assistants eager to growtheir skills and business.\n\nTOPIC: Why Online Marketing Matters for Your Business\n\nSPEAKER: Melissa Irvin\n\nWhat You'll Learn: We will c over the importance of an online presence\,using tools like social media\, websites\, and email marketing to build brand credibility and reach more customers. With statistics and actionable advice\, Melissa will illustrate the value of digital marketing in engaging audiences at every stage\, fro m first contact to repeat customers. \n\nKey topics include:Choosing the right platforms\, Optimizing contentMeasuring success for continuous impr ovement.Why Online Marketing Matters for Your Business\, focuses on guidin g small business owners through effective digital marketing strategies.\n\ nJOINUS LIVE HERE: (Passcode: 1 23456)\n\nCan’t MakeIt LIVE? 🎥\n\nWe get it\; life is as unpredictabl e as the latest TikTok trend. If you can't join us live\, we've still got your back. By joining our VANA Community\, you’ll get access to the re play\, slide deck notes\, plus a treasure trove of VA resources that’ll make you wonder how you ever freelanced without us. All for under $9/month ! It’s just anotherperk of being part of our awesome community.\n\n🔗  Join our VANA Community today! DTSTART:20241121T210000Z DTEND:20241121T220000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FREE VANA Community Webinar DTSTAMP:20240811T233113Z SEQUENCE:2 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Dive into success with our FREE monthly training webinars at\, tailored specifically for Virtual Assistants eager to growtheir skills and business.\n\nTOPIC: TBA\n\nSPEAKER: TBA\n\nWhat You 'll Learn: TBA\n\nJOIN US LIVE HERE: 2530 (Passcode: 123456)\n\nCan’t Make It LIVE? 🎥  \n\nWe get it\; life is as unpredictable asthe latest TikTok trend. If you can't join us l ive\, we've still got your back. By joining our VANA Community\, you’l l get access to the replay\, slide deck notes\, plus a treasure trove of V A resources that’ll make you wonder how you ever freelanced without us. All for under $9/month! It’s just another perk of being part of our awes ome community.\n\n🔗 Join our VANA Community today! DTSTART:20250213T210000Z DTEND:20250213T213000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Group Coaching DTSTAMP:20240811T231302Z SEQUENCE:2 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Ready to Elevate Your Business? Join Our Monthly Group Coach ing!Are you a Service Provider new to the scene\, wondering\, \"What’s n ext?\" Or maybe you’ve got an online business but feel stuck\, unable to break through to the next level? Our monthly Group Coaching sessions are designed just for you!Why Attend?Expert Guidance: Benefit from the wisdom of Tawnya Sutherland\, a seasoned pro with 20 years in the virtual assist ant industry. Her insights can help you refine your strategy\, shift your mindset\, and transform those clicks into clients.Collaborative Environmen t: Bring your questions\, challenges\, and ideas to the table. In just on e hour\, you’ll gain actionable advice and innovative solutionsto propel your business forward.Focused Growth: Whether you’re looking to stream line your approach or overcome specific hurdles\, our sessions are tailore d to clear the clutter and drive results.How to Join:Current Members:  L og into your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Member Yet?  Don’t miss out—JOIN US NOW at and start your jou rney towards business success.Transform your entrepreneurial dreams into r ealitywith our Group Coaching. We can’t wait to see you there! DTSTART:20241002T190000Z DTEND:20241002T200000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FREE VANA Community Webinar DTSTAMP:20240811T231302Z SEQUENCE:5 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Dive into success with our FREE monthly training webinars at\, tailored specifically for Virtual Assistants eager to growtheir skills and business.\n\nTOPIC: Document &\; Dominate! Runnin g Your VA Business Without a Hitch\n\nSPEAKER: Amber Louise\n\nWhat You'l l Learn:\nIn this comprehensive webinar\, Amber will guide you through the key steps to streamline your VA business\, ensuring it operates smoothl y—even when you’re not directly managing the day-to-day tasks.You’ll learn how to:Identify and document your key services and processes for b etter business continuity.Create simple cheat sheets for quick reference and task delegation.Effortlessly share these cheat sheets with contractor VAs for seamless onboarding.Use Slack for onboarding new VAs and maintai n effective communication.Monitor progress and ensure that operations rem ain smooth and uninterrupted.By the end of this session\, you’ll have a clear system in place to delegate tasks confidently\,maintain communicatio n\, and ensure your business runs without a hitch. Plus\, Amber will share expert tips to keep everything running efficiently.Join us and learn how to empower your team while keeping your service quality consistent\, all t hrough smart documentation and streamlined communication!JOIN US LIVE HERE :\n\nCan’t Make It LIVE? 🎥\n \nWe get it\; life is as unpredictable as the latest TikTok trend. If you can't join us live\, we've still got your back. By joining our VANA Commun ity\, you’ll get access to the replay\, slide deck notes\, plus a treasu re trove of VA resources that’ll make you wonder how you ever freelanced without us. All for under $9/month! It’s just another perk ofbeing part of our awesome community.\n\n🔗 Join our VANA Community today! DTSTART:20241025T220000Z DTEND:20241025T230000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Group Coaching DTSTAMP:20240811T231302Z SEQUENCE:4 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Ready to Elevate Your Business? Join Our Monthly Group Coach ing!Are you a Service Provider new to the scene\, wondering\, \"What’s n ext?\" Or maybe you’ve got an online business but feel stuck\, unable to break through to the next level? Our monthly Group Coaching sessions are designed just for you!Why Attend?Expert Guidance: Benefit from the wisdom of Tawnya Sutherland\, a seasoned pro with 20 years in the virtual assist ant industry. Her insights can help you refine your strategy\, shift your mindset\, and transform those clicks into clients.Collaborative Environmen t: Bring your questions\, challenges\, and ideas to the table. In just on e hour\, you’ll gain actionable advice and innovative solutionsto propel your business forward.Focused Growth: Whether you’re looking to stream line your approach or overcome specific hurdles\, our sessions are tailore d to clear the clutter and drive results.How to Join:Current Members:  L og into your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Member Yet?  Don’t miss out—JOIN US NOW at and start your jou rney towards business success.Transform your entrepreneurial dreams into r ealitywith our Group Coaching. We can’t wait to see you there! DTSTART:20241022T190000Z DTEND:20241022T200000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Monthly Training DTSTAMP:20240811T231302Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Get Clients Club Core Training Series\n\nWhat you'lllearn to day: \n\nFinding Clients: The Where and How GuideKeeping ScoreYour Warm/H ot MarketThe Offline Client MarketThe Online Client MarketCold Calling Wor ksJobBoards Save You TimeGet ready to become a client magnet because this series is where you’ll learn how to find clients\, keep clients\, and ha ve those clients send you steady streams of referrals for years to come!\n \nIf you want the answer to the famous question of: “How do I find clien ts?” This ongoing series will give you the answers you've been searching for. You'll be provided with successful client-attracting strategies that you can implement \nHow to Join:Current Members:  Log into your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Member Yet? Don’t miss out—JO IN US NOW at and start your journey towards business success. DTSTART:20241030T190000Z DTEND:20241030T200000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Group Coaching DTSTAMP:20240811T231302Z SEQUENCE:2 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Ready to Elevate Your Business? Join Our Monthly Group Coach ing!Are you a Service Provider new to the scene\, wondering\, \"What’s n ext?\" Or maybe you’ve got an online business but feel stuck\, unable to break through to the next level? Our monthly Group Coaching sessions are designed just for you!Why Attend?Expert Guidance: Benefit from the wisdom of Tawnya Sutherland\, a seasoned pro with 20 years in the virtual assist ant industry. Her insights can help you refine your strategy\, shift your mindset\, and transform those clicks into clients.Collaborative Environmen t: Bring your questions\, challenges\, and ideas to the table. In just on e hour\, you’ll gain actionable advice and innovative solutionsto propel your business forward.Focused Growth: Whether you’re looking to stream line your approach or overcome specific hurdles\, our sessions are tailore d to clear the clutter and drive results.How to Join:Current Members:  L og into your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Member Yet?  Don’t miss out—JOIN US NOW at and start your jou rney towards business success.Transform your entrepreneurial dreams into r ealitywith our Group Coaching. We can’t wait to see you there! DTSTART:20241106T210000Z DTEND:20241106T220000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Group Coaching DTSTAMP:20240811T231302Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Ready to Elevate Your Business? Join Our Monthly Group Coach ing!Are you a Service Provider new to the scene\, wondering\, \"What’s n ext?\" Or maybe you’ve got an online business but feel stuck\, unable to break through to the next level? Our monthly Group Coaching sessions are designed just for you!Why Attend?Expert Guidance: Benefit from the wisdom of Tawnya Sutherland\, a seasoned pro with 20 years in the virtual assist ant industry. Her insights can help you refine your strategy\, shift your mindset\, and transform those clicks into clients.Collaborative Environmen t: Bring your questions\, challenges\, and ideas to the table. In just on e hour\, you’ll gain actionable advice and innovative solutionsto propel your business forward.Focused Growth: Whether you’re looking to stream line your approach or overcome specific hurdles\, our sessions are tailore d to clear the clutter and drive results.How to Join:Current Members:  L og into your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Member Yet?  Don’t miss out—JOIN US NOW at and start your jou rney towards business success.Transform your entrepreneurial dreams into r ealitywith our Group Coaching. We can’t wait to see you there! DTSTART:20241120T230000Z DTEND:20241121T000000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Monthly Training DTSTAMP:20240811T231302Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Get Clients Club Core Training Series\n\nWhat you'lllearn to day: \n\nHow to Prospect for Clients Made of Gold\nWhat is Client Prospec ting?Who is that Golden Client?Track Your ProspectsThe Prospector’s Goal sWays to Prospect ClientsGet ready to become a client magnet because this series is where you’ll learn how to find clients\, keep clients\, and ha ve thoseclients send you steady streams of referrals for years to come!\n\ nIf you want the answer to the famous question of: “How do I find client s?” This ongoing series will give you the answers you've been searching for. You'll be provided with successful client-attracting strategies that you can implement How to Join:Current Members:  Log into your Member Da shboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Member Yet? Don’t miss out—JOIN US NOW at and start your journey towards business su ccess. DTSTART:20241127T200000Z DTEND:20241127T210000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Group Coaching DTSTAMP:20240811T231302Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Ready to Elevate Your Business? Join Our Monthly Group Coach ing!Are you a Service Provider new to the scene\, wondering\, \"What’s n ext?\" Or maybe you’ve got an online business but feel stuck\, unable to break through to the next level? Our monthly Group Coaching sessions are designed just for you!Why Attend?Expert Guidance: Benefit from the wisdom of Tawnya Sutherland\, a seasoned pro with 20 years in the virtual assist ant industry. Her insights can help you refine your strategy\, shift yourm indset\, and transform those clicks into clients.Collaborative Environment : Bring your questions\, challenges\, and ideas to the table. In just one hour\, you’ll gain actionable advice and innovative solutions to propel your business forward.Focused Growth: Whether you’re looking to stream line your approach or overcome specific hurdles\, our sessions are tailore d to clear the clutter and driveresults.How to Join:Current Members:  Lo g into your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Member Yet? D on’t miss out—JOIN US NOW at and start your jour ney towards business success.Transform your entrepreneurial dreams into re ality with our Group Coaching. We can’t wait to see you there! DTSTART:20241204T210000Z DTEND:20241204T220000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Monthly Training DTSTAMP:20240811T231302Z SEQUENCE:4 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Get Clients Club Core Training Series\n\nWhat you'lllearn to day: \n\nBuilding a Website to Attract Clients\nWebsite Design JargonSett ing Up Your WebsiteWriting Persuasive Sales CopyWebsite TIPS to Attract Cl ients\nGet ready to become a client magnet because this series is where yo u’ll learnhow to find clients\, keep clients\, and have those clients se nd you steady streams of referrals for years to come!\n\nIf you want the a nswer to the famous question of: “How do I find clients?” This ongoing series will give you the answers you've been searching for. You'll be pro vided with successful client-attracting strategies that you can implement  How to Join:Current Members:  Log into your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Member Yet? Don’t miss out—JOIN US NOW at GetCl and start your journey towards business success. DTSTART:20241217T200000Z DTEND:20241217T210000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Group Coaching DTSTAMP:20240811T231302Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Ready to Elevate Your Business? Join Our Monthly Group Coach ing!Are you a Service Provider new to the scene\, wondering\, \"What’s n ext?\" Or maybe you’ve got an online business but feel stuck\, unable to break through to the next level? Our monthly Group Coaching sessions are designed just for you!Why Attend?Expert Guidance: Benefit from the wisdom of Tawnya Sutherland\, a seasoned pro with 20 years in the virtual assist ant industry. Her insights can help you refine your strategy\, shift your mindset\, and transform those clicks into clients.Collaborative Environmen t: Bring your questions\, challenges\, and ideas to the table. In just on e hour\, you’ll gain actionable advice and innovative solutionsto propel your business forward.Focused Growth: Whether you’re looking to stream line your approach or overcome specific hurdles\, our sessions are tailore d to clear the clutter and drive results.How to Join:Current Members:  L og into your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Member Yet?  Don’t miss out—JOIN US NOW at and start your jou rneytowards business success.Transform your entrepreneurial dreams into re ality with our Group Coaching. We can’t wait to see you there! DTSTART:20241218T230000Z DTEND:20241219T000000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Group Coaching DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Join our Group Coaching hosted by Tawnya Sutherland a 20-year veteran in the virtual assistant industry. Get focuse d onyour strategy\, mindset or simply turning your clicks into clients. Du ringthese one-hour group coaching sessions\, you can bring to the table a question or obstacle within your business and get the help needed to move your business forward.\n\n\n\nTo make sure Tawnya gets all members' questi ons answered during this 1-hour coaching session PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR QUESTI ON a minimum 1 hour ahead of time. These questions will take priority in o ur 1-hour group coaching calls with any time left over for other questions from attendees. Even if you can't attend for... --- Event details: https: // DTSTART:20240731T220000Z DTEND:20240731T230000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Cathy Baillargeon DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:2 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: The Decisive VA: Strategies for Becoming Indispensab le\n\nSPEAKER: Cathy Baillargeon\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEARN: \nDiscover how de cisiveness can elevate your role as a Virtual Assistant and make you an in dispensable asset to your clients. Cathy Baillargeon will guide you throug h key strategies to enhance your decision-making skills.In this session\, you’ll explore:The Power of Decisiveness: Why being decisive helps you s tand out and succeed as a VA.Understanding Client Needs: How to identify c lient priorities and act accordingly.Decision-Making Tools: Practical tool s to aid in quick and confident decision-making.Balancing Initiative and D iscretion: Guidelines for knowing when to make decisions on behalf of your clients.Join Cathy to learn how mastering decisiveness can transform your VA role and make you an invaluable partner to your clients.SPEAKER BIO:   Cathy Baillargeon is “Chief Cathy Officer” of Virtual Cathy\, a VA agency that provides administrative support to small businessesand nonpro fits\, and Virtual Cathy Academy\, which offers resources to VAs.\n\nLog i n to the event here \n\nNot registered? Get your ticket here: https://VAv DTSTART:20240928T220000Z DTEND:20240928T230000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Melissa Marie (LIVE) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:1 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC:  Strategic Approaches to Delighting Clients: The Po wer of Exceptional Customer Care for Retaining Customer Loyalty\n\nSPEAKER : Melissa Marie\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEARN: \nIn today’s competitive busines s environment\, retaining clients is crucial. Melissa Marie will teach you how to stand out by delighting your clients and fostering long-term loyal ty.In this session\, you’ll discover:Client-Centric Culture: How to buil d a business culture that prioritizes client satisfaction.Memorable Experi ences: Strategies for creating unforgettable client interactions.Long-Term Relationships: Techniques for nurturing relationships that lead to repeat business.Melissawill share actionable insights and provide a complimentar y guide on delighting and nurturing clients to help you drive sustainable growth. Join her to learn how exceptional customer care can set your busin ess apart.SPEAKER BIO: Melissa Marie supports entrepreneurs in optimizing customer care and enhancing client retention and loyalty\, so they grow a thriving business. \n\nLog in to the event here \n\nNot registered? Get your ticket here: DTSTART:20240928T200000Z DTEND:20240928T210000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Toni Harris Taylor DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:1 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: Show Up! Be Up! Follow Up to Blow Up! Networking Str ategies to Turn Your Contacts into Contracts\n\nSPEAKER: ToniHarris Taylo r\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEARN:  \nRevolutionize your networking approach with T oni Harris Taylor’s innovative workshop\, designed to help virtual assis tants elevate their networking game and boost income.In this session\, you ’ll discover:AI-Enhanced Networking: How to use AI tools to identify key networking events and valuable connections.Personalized Communication: Cr afting AI-assisted introductions and elevator pitches.Contact Management: Organizing and managing yournetwork with AI-powered databases.Effective Fo llow-Ups: Leveraging AI insights for tailored follow-up strategies based o n contact preferences and interests.Join Toni to learn how to turn network ing opportunities into valuable contracts with cutting-edge AI techniques and impactful strategies.SPEAKER BIO: Toni Harris Tayloris the CEO of Dra stic Results Marketing and Sales Coaching\, and an award winning\, multi-u nit Network in Action Global Partners. Toni is an Intercontinental speaker \, international coach\, certified AI consultant and 12x author.\n\nLog in to the event here \n\nNot registered? Get your ticket here: https://VAvi DTSTART:20240928T180000Z DTEND:20240928T190000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Dan R Morris (LIVE) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: How to Wow Your Client with Unexpected Traffic\n\nSP EAKER: Dan R Morris\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEARN: \n\nDiscover how to go beyond traditional support roles and deliver added valueby driving unexpected tra ffic and revenue for your clients.\nIn this session\, you’ll learn:Creat ing a Traffic System: How to set up alerts for finding ideal customers\, s peaking engagements\, and business opportunities.Adding Revenue: Strategie s for generating unexpected traffic and boosting client income.Join Dan R Morris to explore innovative ways to exceed client expectations and enhanc e their business growth with proactive traffic solutions.SPEAKER BIO: Dan R Morris is the CEO of AudienceIndustries and founder of Tracing the Path Podcast. \n\nLog in to the event here \n\nNot registered? Get your tick et here: DTSTART:20240928T160000Z DTEND:20240928T170000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Ashley Braswell + Elizabeth Ward (On-Demand: Watch An ytime During 3-Day Window) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:3 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: 3 Low Cost\, High Impact Facebook Ads working *right now*\n\nSPEAKER: Ashley Braswell + Elizabeth Ward\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEARN:  \nDiscover the secrets behind three of the best-performing Facebook ad c ampaigns currently driving success for both high-earning clients and budge t-conscious ad students. Learn how to set up these powerful ads step-by-st ep\, enabling you to:Automate and Scale: Reach your ideal clients\, grow y our email list\, and boost sales.Optimize Your Budget: Achieve impressiver esults even with a minimal ad spend\, starting as low as $2/day.Efficient Setup: Implement simple ad strategies without being tied to your screen or overspending.Join Ashley Braswell and Elizabeth Ward to stop waiting for your big break and start creating it with proven\, low-cost ad strategies! SPEAKER BIO:  With a contagious enthusiasm and a knack for simplifying t he complex\, Ashley + Elizabeth believe that Facebook ads don't have to be scary\, hard\, or expensive.\n\nLog in to the event here \n\nNot registe red? Get your ticket here: DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240926 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240929 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Sharon Hunt (On-Demand: Watch Anytime During 3-Day Wi ndow) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:3 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: Learn How to Create an Exceptional Client Experience \n\nSPEAKER: Sharon Hunt\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEARN: \nCreating an exceptional client experience involves a mix of empathy\, innovation\, and consistenc y. Sharon Hunt will guide you through the essential elements that make cli ent interactions outstanding.In this session\, you’ll explore:Personaliz ed Service: Techniques for tailoring interactions to meet individual clien tneeds.Proactive Communication: Strategies for keeping clients informed an d engaged.Continuous Improvement: Methods for enhancing client experiences through ongoing refinement.Join Sharon to discover how understanding clie nt needs and exceeding expectations can foster loyalty and drive long-term success. Learn how to build a client-centric culture that delights at eve ry touchpoint through real-world examples and actionable strategies.SPEAKE R BIO: Sharon Hunt\, an online industry veteran since 2002\, began as a v irtual assistant and quickly earned a reputation as the go-to expert for e fficient\, high-quality results. With legendary tech skills\, she has play ed a key role in numerous 6 and 7-figure launches with top industry names.   \n\nLog in to the event here \n\nNot registered? Get your ticket here : DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240926 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240929 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Stephanie Hays (LIVE) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:5 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: Leveraging AI for Client Attraction and Retention: A Strategic Approach\n\nSPEAKER: Stephanie Hayes\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEARN: \n Discover how to harness AI to enhance your client acquisition and retentio n strategies. In this dynamic webinar\, Stephanieand Tawnya will cover:AI Tools for Client Insights: Analyze behavior and preferences to refine your marketing approach.Automating Interactions: Implement chatbots and virtua l assistants to streamline communication and follow-ups.Personalized Clien t Experiences: Use AI to tailor interactions and offers\, boosting satisfa ction and loyalty.Practical Tips: Integrate AI effectively into your busin ess processes for maximum impact.Join us to learn actionable strategies fo r leveraging AI to grow your client base and keep clients engaged!SPEAKER BIO: Stephanie Hayes and Tawnya Sutherland are leading instructors in the VA industry with a shared passion for leveraging AI to drive business suc cess. As co-founders of\, they specialize in integrating A I tools to streamline operations and boost client engagement. Tawnya\, CEO of Virtual Assistant Networking Association\, brings her visionary approa ch to optimizing business through digital tools. Stephanie\, CEO of Fully Booked VA\, combines her strategic insights with practical AI solutions to make advanced technology accessible and impactful for businesses. Togethe r\, they offer expert guidance and hands-on training to help VAs thrive in a tech-driven landscape.\n\nLog in to the event here \n\nNot registered? Get your ticket here: DTSTART:20240928T220000Z DTEND:20240928T230000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Tina Goyzueta (LIVE) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: Acing Your First Impression: The Ultimate Guide to D iscovery Calls\n\nSPEAKER: Tina Goyzueta\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEARN:  \n\nMas ter the art of discovery calls with Tina Goyzueta's expert strategies for making a strong first impression and securing new clients.\nIn this sessio n\, you’ll discover:Preparation Essentials: Researching clients and craf tingtailored questionsBuilding Rapport: Techniques for establishing trust and connectionShowcasing Expertise: Presenting your skills and past succes ses effectivelyUnderstanding Client Needs: Asking the right questions and tailoring your pitchClosing the Call: Summarizing key points\, addressing objections\, and securing the next stepsJoin Tina to transform your discov ery calls into powerful opportunities forbuilding client relationships and driving success.SPEAKER BIO:  With 3.5 years of experience as a virtual assistant\, Tina Goyzueta specializes in streamlining social media manage ment\, enhancing client communication\, and optimizing project workflows.  \n\nLog in to the event here \n\nNot registered? Get your ticket here: DTSTART:20240927T220000Z DTEND:20240927T230000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Andrea Jones (LIVE) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: Social Media Magic: Building a Funnel to Attract Loy al Clients\n\nSPEAKER: Andrea Jones\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEARN:Curious about ho w to turn strangers into loyal clients? Join us for a masterclass on craft ing a successful social media sales funnel for your products or services.I n this session\, you’ll learn:Common Mistakes: The three costly errors t oavoid with social media sales funnelsEssential Elements: What you need in place for your funnel to be effectiveGetting Started: The easiest way to launch your sales funnelReal-World Examples: Practical examples for both p roduct and service-based businessesAutomation Insights: Which parts of you r funnel can be automatedMeasuring Success: Key metrics to track at each p hase of the funnelGain actionable insights to optimize your sales funnel a nd convert social media interactions into valuable client relationships. D on’t miss thisopportunity to refine your approach and drive success!SPEA KER BIO: Meet Andréa Jones\, the social media strategist who helps you f ind the sweet spot between #Hustle and #SoftLife. With over a decade of ex perience\, Andréa has guided over 4\,000 students through her Savvy Socia l School\, making social media fun and effective—no burnout required.   \n\nLog in to the event here\n\nN ot registered? Get your ticket here: DTSTART:20240927T200000Z DTEND:20240927T210000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Angela Y. Leon (LIVE) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: Mastering Client Communication: Strategies and Tools for Virtual Assistants\n\nSPEAKER: Angela Y. Leon\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEARN:\ nEnhance your client interactions with key strategies and tools designed f or Virtual Assistants. Join Angela Y. Leon to learn how to streamline comm unication and boost your effectiveness.In this session\, you’ll discover :Effective Communication Strategies - Understanding client needs and sett ing clear channelsClient Intake Kits - Benefits and key components for cu stomizationOffboarding Documents - Essential elements for a smooth offboa rding processTask Management Software - Best tools and practices for task managementCRM Systems and CamCard App - Managing client relationships an d efficient contact managementBest Practices - Building rapport and effec tive communication techniquesGain practical insights to improve your clien t communication and enhance your virtual assistance services. Don’t miss out on these valuable tips!SPEAKER BIO: Angela Y. Leon is a Program Mana ger and Technology Implementation Specialist. She excels in driving operat ional efficiency and technological innovation for small businesses and non profits.\n\nLog in to the event here n\n\nNot registered? Get your ticket here: DTSTART:20240927T180000Z DTEND:20240927T190000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Tammy Durden (LIVE) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: Agency Success Blueprint: Leveraging Virtual Teams f or Growth and Freedom  \n\nSPEAKER: Tammy Durden\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEARN :  \nDiscover how to build a thriving agency that operates smoothly with the help of virtual team members. This session will guide you through cre ating an agency model that allows you to gain freedom and step back from d aily client work.In this presentation\, you’ll learn:When to Transition to an Agency Model: Assess if it's the right time for your business.Findin g the Right Virtual Team Members: Where to locate and how to choose top ta lent.Effective Interviewing and Onboarding: Tips for bringing virtual team members on board smoothly.Managing Your Team: Strategies for overseeing a remoteteam without being tied to the business all day.Join us to learn ho w to leverage virtual team members to build a successful\, hands-off agenc y and focus on what you enjoy most!SPEAKER BIO:  Tammy is aBusiness Coac h helping women online service providers grow a business to fit their life style not squeeze a life around their business.\n\nLog into the event here \n\nNot registered? Get yourticket here: DTSTART:20240927T160000Z DTEND:20240927T170000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Ellen Ward (On-Demand: Watch Anytime During 3-Day Win dow) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:3 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: Level Up Your Services: Aligning Your Offerings with Your Skills\n\nSPEAKER: Ellen Ward\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEARN: \nAre you stru ggling to connect with your ideal clients? It might be time to realign you r services with the skills you've developed. Ellen Ward will guide you thr ough the process of evaluating your current offerings and determining how to enhance your business.In this session\, you’ll explore:Service Alignm ent: Identify if you've outgrown your current services and align them with your skills.Upgrading Offerings: Learn how to upgrade your services to re flect the value you provide.Maximizing Income: Strategies to redirect your efforts towards increasingyour income and refining your niche.Join Ellen to discover how to effectively level up your business by aligning your ser vices with yourevolving skills.SPEAKER BIO: As a corporate Executive Assi stant\, Ellen Ward was privileged to coordinate and facilitate strategic p lanning meetings and projects opening the door to become an Online Busines s Manager.\n\nLog in to the event here \n\nNot registered? Get your ticke t here: DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240926 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240929 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Lisa Millar (LIVE) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:4 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: Creating and Implementing Standard Operating Procedu res to Boost Your VA Business\n\nSPEAKER: Lisa Millar\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEAR N:  \n\nDiscover how to elevate your Virtual Assistant business with Sta ndard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Lisa Millar willteach you how to master efficiency and drive growth through effective SOPs.In this session\, yo u’ll explore:Understanding SOPs: What SOPs are and their role in busines s growth.Core SOPs for VAs: Essential procedures every VAbusiness needs.De veloping Effective SOPs: Steps to create and refine your procedures.Implem entation and Maintenance: How to put SOPs into action and keep them update d.Technology and Tools: The best tools to support your SOPs.Join Lisa to l earn how documenting your processes can streamline your operations and set your business up for long-term success.SPEAKER BIO: A Canadian entrepren eur\, with over 20 years of experience supporting small businesses\, an MB A degree\, and a mission to help people fulfill their entrepreneurial drea ms.\n\nLog in to the event here \n\nNot registered? Get your ticket here: DTSTART:20240928T180000Z DTEND:20240928T190000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Rosemary O'Shaughnessy (On-Demand: Watch Anytime Duri ng 3-Day Window) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:4 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile to Attract Your Ide al Audience\n\nSPEAKER: Rosemary O'Shaughnessy\n\nWHATYOU'LL LEARN:\nYour LinkedIn profile is your digital business card\, personal brand\, and oft en the first impression you make on potential clients or partners. Many Vi rtual Assistants and Freelancers underestimate the value of optimizing the ir LinkedIn profiles to attract their ideal audience. However\, in today's business world\, where online connections are as valuable as physical one s\, having an optimized profile is a necessity.In this session\, you will learn how to:Enhance YourPersonal Brand: Discover how to present your uniq ue strengths andexpertise.Connect with Your Target Audience: Learn strateg ies to tailor your profile to resonate with your ideal clients.Maximize Vi sibility: Implement tips to increase your profile's reach and engagement o n LinkedIn.If you're ready to showcase your full LinkedIn presence and att ract more opportunities\, join Rosemary O'Shaughnessy as she guides you th rough creating a profile that stands out and sets you apart in your field. SPEAKER BIO:  Rosemary O'Shaughnessy is from Ireland and is a LinkedIn C ertified Marketing Insider and one of the Top 14 LinkedIn Experts in Dubli n for 2023 by Influence Digest. Her mission has always been about making y our LinkedIn presence work for you rather than against you.  \n\nLog in to the event here \n\nNot registered? Get your ticket here: https://VAvir DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240926 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240929 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Amber Louise (On-Demand: Watch Anytime During 3-Day W indow) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:1 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: 7 Surefire Ways to Retain Loyal Clients\n\nSPEAKER:  Amber Louise\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEARN:In this session\, Amber Louise will eq uip you with essential strategies to boost client retention and satisfacti on.You’ll learn how to:Personalize Communication: Strengthen client conn ections.Use Digital Tools: Enhance interactions and efficiency.Foster Team Spirit: Encourage loyalty through collaboration.Engage on Social Media: D eepen client relationships online.Network Strategically: Build connections that support client retention.Join Amber to discover practical tips that will help you keep your clients coming back and elevateyour VA business.SP EAKER BIO:  Amber Louise\, digital business consultant\, empowering Virt ual Assistants with proven strategies to enhance client relationships and business growth.\n\nLog in to the event here \n\nNot registered? Get your ticket here: DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240926 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240929 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Cathy Baillargeon (LIVE) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: The Decisive VA: Strategies for Becoming Indispensab le\n\nSPEAKER: Cathy Baillargeon\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEARN: \nDiscover how de cisiveness can elevate your role as a Virtual Assistant and make you an in dispensable asset to your clients. Cathy Baillargeon will guide you throug h key strategies to enhance your decision-making skills.In this session\, you’ll explore:The Power of Decisiveness: Why being decisive helps you stand out and succeed as a VA.Understanding Client Needs: How to identify client priorities and act accordingly.Decision-Making Tools: Practical t ools to aid in quick and confident decision-making.Balancing Initiative an d Discretion: Guidelines for knowing when to make decisions on behalf of your clients.Join Cathy to learn how mastering decisiveness can transform your VA role and make you an invaluable partner to your clients.SPEAKER BI O:  Cathy Baillargeon is “Chief Cathy Officer” of Virtual Cathy\, a VA agency that provides administrative support to small businessesand nonp rofits\, and Virtual Cathy Academy\, which offers resources to VAs.\n\nLog in to the event here \n\nNot registered? Get your ticket here: https://\n DTSTART:20240926T220000Z DTEND:20240926T230000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Sue Harrawood (LIVE) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: Power Networking: Securing High-Level Clients in Per son\n\nSPEAKER: Sue Harrawood\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEARN:\nAre you ready to con nect with high-net-worth clients who prefer face-to-face interactions? Dis cover the secrets to building relationships with CEOs\, CFOs\, and other t op executives who thrive on in-person networking.In this session\, Sue Har rawood\, President of Peace of Mind Virtual Assistance\, will share her 20 years of experience in high-level networking. You’ll learn:Engaging Hig h-Value Clients: Strategies to attract and connect with influential client s whoare not active on social media.In-Person Networking Techniques: Effec tive methods for making meaningful connections at liveevents.Sue’s Prove n Tips: Insights and practicesthat have helped Sue succeed in building a r obust network of top-tier clients.Join Sue to uncover how in-person networ king can elevate your client acquisition efforts and help you build lastin g\, valuable relationships.SPEAKER BIO: Sue Harrawood is the President of Peace of Mind Virtual Assistance\, a professional service firm delivering Virtual Executive Administration\, Project Management\, Operations Manage ment and Consulting services to professional service firms.\n\nLog in to t he event here\n\nNot registered? Get your ticket here: https://VAvirtuoso DTSTART:20240926T200000Z DTEND:20240926T210000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Gwen Backhouse (LIVE) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: The Roller Coaster VA Journey - Preparing Yourself an d Your Business for the Ride!\n\nSPEAKER: Gwen Backhouse\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LE ARN: Running a Virtual Assistant business can be an exhilarating ride\, f illed with ups and downs. Join Gwen Backhouse as she explores how to prepa re yourself and your business for this dynamic journey.In this talk\, Gwen will cover:Preparing for the Ride: Strategies to get ready for the highs and lows of managing a VA business.Avoiding Pitfalls: Common challenges an d how to steer clear of them.Top Tips and Tools: Essential resources and a dvice to help you navigate the journey successfully.Get ready to embrace t he roller coaster of the VA world with confidence and resilience\, armed w ith practical insights and resources from Gwen.SPEAKER BIO: Owner of the Society of Virtual Assistants in the UK\, North East VA Conference and Cur lew Secretarial Solutions.\n\nLog in to the event here\n\nNot registered? Get your ticket here: DTSTART:20240926T180000Z DTEND:20240926T190000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Tawnya Sutherland (LIVE) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: Finding Gold: Where to Discover YourNext ClientSPEAKE R: Tawnya SutherlandWHAT YOU'LL LEARN:Are you struggling to find new clien ts and grow your business? Join us for an insightful talk where we'll exp lore the best strategies and locations to uncover potential clients who ar e ready to work with you. This session is designed to provide you with act ionable insights and practical tips on where to look and how to attract yo ur ideal clients.In this session\, you'll learn:Proven strategies for iden tifying and accessing client-rich environments.Innovative approaches to ne tworking and building connections in the right places.Effective online pla tforms and tools that can help you reach a wider audience.Industry-specifi c hotspots where your ideal clients are waiting.Creative methods for makin g your services irresistible to potential clients.Whether you're just star tingout or looking to expand your client base\, this talk will equip you w ith the knowledge and confidence to find and engage with clients effective ly. Don't miss the opportunity to learn from experts and transform your cl ient acquisition strategy!SPEAKER BIO: Tawnya Sutherland is a pioneering force in the virtual assistance industry\, having founded Virtual Assistan t Networking Association (VANA) at to support and empower VAs since 2003. As a visionary entrepreneur and expert in leveraging digi tal tools\, Tawnya is dedicated to helping virtual assistants enhance thei r skills and grow their businesses. Log in to the event here\n\nNot regis tered? Get your ticket here:\n\n DTSTART:20240926T160000Z DTEND:20240926T170000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Angela Wills (On-Demand: Watch Anytime During 3-Day W indow) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:2 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: Foundations of Lifestyle Freedom While Booking Upwit h Clients\n\nSPEAKER: Angela Wills\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEARN: \nAchieving a f ull client roster is a dream for many\, but it shouldn’t come at the cos t of your personal freedom and well-being. Angela Wills will share her jou rney from client burnout to sustainable success andteach you how to do the same.In this session\, you’ll explore:Managing Client Workload: Techniq ues to maintain a busy client schedule without burning out.Maintaining Lif estyle Freedom: Strategies for balancing professional success with persona l freedom.Preventing Burnout: Practical tips to avoid client-related stres s and fatigue.Join Angela to learn how to build a thriving business while preserving yourlifestyle and avoiding the pitfalls of burnout.SPEAKER BIO:   Angela Wills is the owner of Living Lifestyle Freedom where she teache s service providers to put life first\, then business\, so your business a ctually allows the dream life you started it for. \n\nLog in to the event here \n\nNot registered? Get your ticket here: DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240926 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240929 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Claudine Maricar Chicote (On-Demand Webinar) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:3 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: How to Win Over &\;amp: Wow Your Clients\n\nSPEAK ER: Claudine Maricar Chicote\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEARN:  \n\nElevate your cl ient relationships from ordinary to extraordinary withproven strategies fr om Claudine Maricar Chicote. This session will teach you how to exceed exp ectations\, build lasting loyalty\, and drive business growth through exce ptional virtual assistance.  \nIn this session\, you’ll explore:Exceed ing Expectations: Techniques to consistently surpass client expectations.B uilding Loyalty: Strategies for cultivating long-term clientloyalty.Drivin g Growth: Tools and insights to boost business growth through enhanced cli ent experiences.Join Claudine to discover practical approaches that will h elp you stand out in a competitive market and transform your client relati onships.\nSPEAKER BIO: Claudine Maricar Chicote is a dynamic Creative Vir tual Assistant based in the Philippines. With a passion for driving growth and success\,she specializes in empowering entrepreneurs\, podcast hosts\ , and speakersto reach their full potential. Through innovative support an d strategic digital marketing\, Claudine is dedicated to helping clients t hrive in today's competitive landscape.\n\nLog in to the event here \n\nN ot registered? Get your ticket here: DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240926 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Molly Denham (On-Demand: Watch Anytime During 3-Day W indow) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:2 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: Build Your Own VA Service\n\nSPEAKER: Molly Denham \n \nWHAT YOU'LL LEARN: \nJoin Molly Denham as she shares her journey fr om a solo Virtual Assistant to building VEXA Services\, a thriving virtual EA agency. Learn the essential steps to establish and grow your own VA bu siness\, whether as a solo operator or a full agency.In this session\, you ’ll explore:Business Basics: How to register a company and create a bran d\,name\, and logo.Crafting Your Message: Developing a value proposition a nd ideal client profile.Building Your Presence: Creating a website and pro moting your brand effectively.Operational Essentials: Setting up templates and leveraging technology.Client Acquisition: Strategies for securing you r first client and expanding your business.Join Molly to gain insights and practical tips on building a strong foundation for your VA business and t aking it to the next level.SPEAKERBIO: Molly has over 30 years of adminis trative experience. With 22 years in the military as an admin specialist a nd now 11 years as a VA\, she has seen it all. \n\nLog in to the event he re \n\nNot registered? Get your ticket here: DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240926 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240929 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#VAVS: Melissa Irvin (On-Demand: Watch Anytime During 3-Day Window) DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:\nTOPIC: Turn Your Website into a Client Magnet\n\nSPEAKER : Melissa Irvin\n\nWHAT YOU'LL LEARN: \nTransform your website into a po werful tool for attracting and converting clients with insights from Melis sa Irvin.In this session\, you’ll learn how to:Build a Client-Focused We bsite: Understand the critical role your site plays in client acquisition. Choose the Right Platform: Find the best platform tailored to your busines s needs.Design Effectively: Create a user-friendly and engaging layout.Dri ve Targeted Traffic: Implement strategies to attract the right audience.Ma ster SEO Basics: Optimize your site for visibility and client reach.Meliss a will share practical tips and real-world examples to help you create a w ebsite that truly drives business growth. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your online presence!SPEAKER BIO:  Owner of BluBox Digital Agen cy since 2020\, Melissa helps small business owners plan\, do and improve their online marketing.\n\nLog in to the event here \n\nNot registered? G et your ticket here: DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240926 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240929 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FREE VANA Community Webinar DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Dive into success with our FREE monthly training webinars at\, tailored specifically for Virtual Assistants eager to growtheir skills and business.\n\nTOPIC: TBA\n\nSPEAKER: TBA\n\nWhat You 'll Learn: TBA\n\nJOIN US LIVE HERE: 1323\n\nCan’t Make It LIVE?🎥\n\nWe get it\; life is as unpredictable as the latest TikTok trend. If you can't join us live\, we've still got yo ur back. By joining our VANA Community\, you’ll get access to the repl ay\, slide deck notes\, plus a treasure trove of VA resources that’ll ma ke you wonder how you ever freelanced without us. All for under $9/month! It’s just another perk of being part of our awesome community.\n\n🔗  Join our VANA Community today! DTSTART:20240924T220000Z DTEND:20240924T230000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FREE VANA Community Webinar DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:1 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Dive into success with our FREE monthly training webinars at\, tailored specifically for Virtual Assistants eager to growtheir skills and business.\n\nTOPIC: Operating a Successful Virtual Assistant Business\n\nSPEAKER: Tawnya Sutherland is a pioneering force in the virtual assistance industry\, having founded Virtual Assistant Netwo rking Association (VANA) to support and empower VAs since 2003.\n\nWhat Y ou'll Learn: Operating a Virtual Assistant (VA) business offers increased autonomy\, flexibility\, and control over your income—but it also comes with its own set of challenges. Whether you’re curious about becoming y our own boss or want a deeper understanding of the realities of running a VA business\, this session is for you. Drawing on 20 years of experience\, Tawnya answers the most frequently asked questions about becoming a succe ssful VA.Who is a VA? Understandthe role and identity of a Virtual Assist ant.What services can a VA offer? Discover the wide range of services VAs can provide.Where do VAs find clients? Learn the best strategies for cli ent acquisition.When do VAs get paid? Get clear on payment structures and timelines.Why do VAs need a marketing plan? Explore the importance of ma rketing for growth.How do VAs grow their business? Uncover the key steps to scaling a successful VA business.Join Tawnya as she shares her expertis e and answers your most pressing questions about building a thriving VA ca reer.JOIN US LIVE HERE:\n\nCan’ t Make It LIVE? 🎥\n\nWe get it\; life is as unpredictable as the latest TikTok trend. If you can't join us live\, we've still got your back. By joining our VANA Community\, you’ll get access to the replay\, slide de ck notes\, plus a treasure trove of VA resources that’ll make you wonder how you ever freelanced without us. All for under $9/month! It’s just a nother perk of being part of our awesome community.\n\n🔗 Join our VANA Community today! DTSTART:20240923T200000Z DTEND:20240923T210000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Group Coaching DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:3 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Ready to Elevate Your Business? Join Our Monthly Group Coach ing!Are you a Service Provider new to the scene\, wondering\, \"What’s n ext?\" Or maybe you’ve got an online business but feel stuck\, unable to break through to the next level? Our monthly Group Coaching sessions are designed just for you!Why Attend?Expert Guidance: Benefit from the wisdom of Tawnya Sutherland\, a seasoned pro with 20 years in the virtual assist ant industry. Her insights can help you refine your strategy\, shift your mindset\, and transform those clicks into clients.Collaborative Environmen t: Bring your questions\, challenges\, and ideas to the table. In just on e hour\, you’ll gain actionable advice and innovative solutionsto propel your business forward.Focused Growth: Whether you’re looking to stream line your approach or overcome specific hurdles\, our sessions are tailore d to clear the clutter and drive results.How to Join:Current Members:  L og into your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Member Yet?  Don’t miss out—JOIN US NOW at and start your jou rney towards business success.Transform your entrepreneurial dreams into r ealitywith our Group Coaching. We can’t wait to see you there! DTSTART:20240918T190000Z DTEND:20240918T200000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Monthly Training DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:5 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Get Clients Club Core Training Series\n\nWhat you'lllearn to day: \nThe 5 Part Sales ProcessSuccess Needs PreparationThe 5 Part Sales ProcessDiscovery TimeSellYour SolutionClose the DealDeal with ObjectionsFo llow Up FinaleGet ready to become a client magnet because this series is w here you’ll learn how to find clients\, keep clients\,and have those cli ents send you steady streams of referrals for years to come!\n\nIf you wan t the answer to the famous question of: “How do I find clients?” This ongoing series will give you the answers you've been searching for. You'll be provided with successful client-attracting strategies that you can imp lement \nHow to Join:Current Members:  Log into your Member Dashboard  for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Member Yet? Don’t miss out—JOIN US NOW  at andstart your journey towards business success. DTSTART:20240911T220000Z DTEND:20240911T230000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Group Coaching DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:4 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Ready to Elevate Your Business? Join Our Monthly Group Coach ing!Are you a Service Provider new to the scene\, wondering\, \"What’s n ext?\" Or maybe you’ve got an online business but feel stuck\, unable to break through to the next level? Our monthly Group Coaching sessions are designed just for you!Why Attend?Expert Guidance: Benefit from the wisdom of Tawnya Sutherland\, a seasoned pro with 20 years in the virtual assist ant industry. Her insights can help you refine your strategy\, shift your mindset\, and transform those clicks into clients.Collaborative Environmen t: Bring your questions\, challenges\, and ideas to the table. In just on e hour\, you’ll gain actionable advice and innovative solutionsto propel your business forward.Focused Growth: Whether you’re looking to stream line your approach or overcome specific hurdles\, our sessions are tailore d to clear the clutter and drive results.How to Join:Current Members:  L og into your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Member Yet?  Don’t miss out—JOIN US NOW at and start your jou rney towards business success.Transform your entrepreneurial dreams into r ealitywith our Group Coaching. We can’t wait to see you there! DTSTART:20240904T170000Z DTEND:20240904T180000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Speaker Orientation for VAVS DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:1 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Speaker Orientation for VAVS DTSTART:20240829T220000Z DTEND:20240829T230000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Group Coaching DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Ready to Elevate Your Business? Join Our Monthly Group Coach ing!Are you a Service Provider new to the scene\, wondering\, \"What’s n ext?\" Or maybe you’ve got an online business but feel stuck\, unable to break through to the next level? Our monthly Group Coaching sessions are designed just for you!Why Attend?Expert Guidance: Benefit from the wisdom of Tawnya Sutherland\, a seasoned pro with 20 years in the virtual assist ant industry. Her insights can help you refine your strategy\, shift your mindset\, and transform those clicks into clients.Collaborative Environmen t: Bring your questions\, challenges\, and ideas to the table. In just on e hour\, you’ll gain actionable advice and innovative solutionsto propel your business forward.Focused Growth: Whether you’re looking to stream line your approach or overcome specific hurdles\, our sessions are tailore d to clear the clutter and drive results.How to Join:Current Members:  L og into your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Member Yet?  Don’t miss out—JOIN US NOW at and start your jou rney towards business success.Transform your entrepreneurial dreams into r ealitywith our Group Coaching. We can’t wait to see you there! DTSTART:20240828T220000Z DTEND:20240828T230000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Speaker Orientation for VAVS DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:2 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Speaker Orientation for VAVS DTSTART:20240828T200000Z DTEND:20240828T210000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT #3 Bonus VIP Call DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:1 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:This is the third and final bonus VIP coaching call for our members. DTSTART:20240828T170000Z DTEND:20240828T180000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Monthly Training DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:What you'll learn today: \nEssential Marketing• Your Marke ting Message\n• Crafting Your Pitch\n• Create Your Storefront\n• Bec ome a Marketing Machine!\n• Choose a Marketing Strategy\n• Bonus Marke ting Tip\nGet ready to become a client magnet because this series is where you’ll learn how to find clients\, keep clients\, and have those client s send you steady streams of referrals for years to come!\n\nIf you want t he answer to the famous question of: “How do I find clients?” This ong oing series will give you the answers you've been searching for. You'll be provided with successful client-attracting strategies that you can implem ent (yes there is... --- Event details: s DTSTART:20240827T180000Z DTEND:20240827T190000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Get Clients Club: Group Coaching DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:Ready to Elevate Your Business? Join Our Monthly Group Coach ing!Are you a Service Provider new to the scene\, wondering\, \"What’s n ext?\" Or maybe you’ve got an online business but feel stuck\, unable to break through to the next level? Our monthly Group Coaching sessions are designed just for you!Why Attend?Expert Guidance: Benefit from the wisdom of Tawnya Sutherland\, a seasoned pro with 20 years in the virtual assista nt industry. Her insights can help you refine your strategy\, shift your m indset\, and transform those clicks into clients.Collaborative Environment : Bring your questions\, challenges\, and ideas to the table. In just one hour\, you’ll gain actionable advice and innovative solutionsto propel y our business forward.Focused Growth: Whether you’re looking to streamlin e your approach or overcome specific hurdles\, our sessions are tailored t o clear the clutter and drive results.How to Join:Current Members: Log in to your Member Dashboard for the Zoom link.\n\nNot a Member Yet? Don’t miss out—JOIN US NOW at and start your journey toward s business success.Transform your entrepreneurial dreams into reality with our GroupCoaching. We can’t wait to see you there! DTSTART:20240814T200000Z DTEND:20240814T210000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FREE VANA Community Webinar DTSTAMP:20240811T222157Z SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER;CN="Tawnya Sutherland" DESCRIPTION:TOPIC: AI-Powered Client Acquisition\n\nYOUR HOSTS: Tawnya S utherland and Stephanie Hayes\nFreelancing comes with a unique set of chal lenges—finding clients\, balancing multiple projects\, and maintaining s trong client relationships can often feel overwhelming. But what if there was a way to tackle these tasks in an easierway?Enter AI\, your new secre t weapon. AI can turnyour freelance hurdles into opportunities for growth and efficiency.Here’s how AI can help you overcome common freelance cha llenges:Client Finding: AI identifies potential leads and new business op portunities while you focus on your core work.Customizing Outreach: Craft messages that resonate with each client\, making them feel truly understo od.Boosting Productivity: Automate routine tasks\, freeing up time for cr eativity and strategic growth.Building Relationships: Leverage AI insight s to connect more deeply with your clients.Growing Your Business: Scale y our operations with confidence\, backed by data-driven decisions.We know t here is so much you can do using these new tools\, and we want to teach it all!But let’s start with the nearest challenge to every freelancer’s heart: how to find clients. Join us for our free training\, AI-Powered Client Acquisition\, and discover how to integrate AI into your freelance workflow.📅 Date: Wednesday\, August 14th🕒 Time: 10:00 AM PDT📍  Location: Online (Meeting link to follow upon registration)Grab your sea t today!We'll guide you through the process of making AI a core part of yo ur business operations\, sharing practical examples and tips. Plus\, you' ll get an exclusive preview of our new AI course\, which will teach you ev erything you need to leverage these tools throughout your business.Don’t let uncertainty hold you back. Take control and transform your business with AI. Reserve your spot today!(NOTE: AllVANA Community members will re ceive the recording and slidedeck notes)\n\n DTSTART:20240814T170000Z DTEND:20240814T180000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR