Equity is a core value of the National Speech & Debate Association, and we take our role as a leader in the community very seriously. Read our full Equity Statement. We expect all participants to align with our organizational values, our Code of Honor, and our harassment and discrimination policy.
Each year, the NSDA releases a set of new Equity Commitments created through feedback from our Coach Caucuses and internal discussion. Read our updated equity commitments. Additionally, stay up to date with all of our diversity, equity, and inclusion resources.
As many speech and debate programs transition to distanced learning and online classrooms, the NSDA is proud to offer several programs to assist with continuing practice and competition. NSDA Campus is our low-cost tournament hosting platform that is directly integrated with Tabroom.com to make running online tournaments easy. Member schools also receive practice space on NSDA Campus as a part of their membership.
We are proud to offer the Springboard Series, a series of free online speech and debate events. These events will provide a variety of free, online opportunities for all students and schools including after-school scrimmages and two weekend tournaments. We are also proud to provide funding opportunities for local teams to access through Keith West Memorial Fund, Big Questions, the National Tournament Tate Fund, and general program grants.
New this year, we are offering an NSDA Last-Chance Qualifier, which is a free, online event for students who did not qualify through their district tournament to have a chance to attend the 2022 National Tournament.
The 2022 National Tournament also features two separate divisions for supplemental events: in-person and online. Students who are joining us online and not traveling to Louisville, Kentucky will have the opportunity to participate in online National Tournament supplemental events. Winners of the online events will be named Online Supplemental Event national champions!
All participants at speech and debate tournaments deserve a safe and affirming environment. To that end, The Belonging and Inclusion Station (BIS) exists to address violations of the harassment and discrimination policy.