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Rostrum Archive

Rostrum is the official magazine of the National Speech & Debate Association


Rostrum is the official magazine of the National Speech & Debate Association. Each school year, the magazine provides the speech and debate community with news, scholarly articles, and national updates published in the months of September, November, February, April, and August.

Access our digital archive of current and past Rostrum issues below.

Rostrum Archive











2013- 2014

2012- 2013

We are always looking for articles written by our members! Please review the following guidelines before submitting an article to Rostrum.

  1. Submissions need to have current significance to the high school speech and debate community, including coaches, competitors, and judges.
  2. Submissions must be free from religious or political bias or favoritism toward a certain region or school.
  3. Submissions may not be inflammatory, libelous, or discriminatory toward any group based on race, culture, nationality, religious beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, or socioeconomic status.
  4. Submissions should be written in English and free from grammatical errors or misspellings.
  5. Submissions should provide APA or MLA citations for references. Please consult the most recent edition of the MLA or APA guidebook for guidelines.
  6. Submissions must include a proper title. Subtitles are also acceptable.
  7. Submissions must not have been submitted previously or simultaneously to other publications, except in cases of express consent from the Association’s Executive Director. Permission from the other publisher/organization may also be required.
  8. Submissions may be returned for revision or correction before they are published. In such circumstances, it is the responsibility of the author to return the corrected piece in a timely manner.
  9. Submissions will not be returned to the author, except for revision. All submissions become the property of the National Speech & Debate Association.
  10. Authors will not be paid for their submissions.
  11. Article submissions are generally 500 words (1-page article) to 1,250 words (2-page article) in length. Authors may be required to edit or condense longer articles. Authors planning to submit longer articles should contact the Association with an outline or article summary for approval first.
  12. Authors should include a short (1 to 2 sentence) biography to accompany their submissions. The biography may include coaching/competitive experience in speech and debate, as well as educational or professional background information.
  13. The Association may request a high-resolution (300 dpi or equivalent Adobe PDF, JPG, TIF) author headshot photo, if an article is selected for publication.
  14. The Association does not guarantee if or when a submitted piece will be used.
  15. Articles should serve a non-commercial purpose.

2020-2021 Submission Deadlines
Articles will be considered for an upcoming issue if received by the following dates:

  • 2020 September/October issue – August 24, 2020
  • 2020 November/December issue – October 1, 2020
  • 2021 January/February issue – December 15, 2020
  • 2021 April/May issue – February 15, 2021

Submit an Article

Rostrum Magazine Covers
Each active chapter receives one copy of Rostrum. Additional subscriptions may be ordered online.

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